Sunday, May 16, 2010

Vancouver Stars on Ice

This year for mom's birthday I got her 2 tickets to go see Stars on Ice. We were both so excited since Evan Lysacek and Sasha Cohen were there, as well as many others! It was so much fun and now we're planning to go next year for the 25th anniversary! Can't wait! Love you mom and happy early birthday!!

Mom and I waiting for the show to start!!!

Rachel Flatt

Meryl Davis & Charlie White

Yuka Sato!!

Evan Lysasek - He skated to Michael Jackson's "Man in the Mirror". He was even singing along while he was dancing! lol

Xue Shen & Hongbo Zhao - They always look so happy together!

Tanith Belbin & Ben Agosto

Michael Weiss

Weiss' signature move. He also did a bunch of flips on the ice!

Todd Eldredge

Sasha Cohen

One of the many close-ups of Evan that I got!

The closing number!

Mom and I at the end of the show!

Choke Canyon State Park

Last weekend we went camping at Choke Canyon State Park with my parents, my brother, and my grandparents. It was really humid, but luckily we stayed in cabins that had air conditioning!! The guys had a blast because all day Saturday they went fishing! They caught a ton of catfish and we even had a fish fry that same night.

Spring Pictures

A few weeks ago the wild flowers here were amazing! My sister-in-law Judith was nice enough to take some pictures of us in the surrounding area.