Everyone knows that you can't go to Seaworld and not go and see Shamu. We went to the first show of the day! Now, I don't know if maybe I was just really emotional or what, but I found the show very touching. It was just absolutely amazing to see these large animals swimming with humans. You could really see and feel the love that the whales and trainers had for each other. The beginning of the show was the most powerful. They tell a story of a young boy with very powerful music, and then all of a sudden 2 whales come out of the water. They start to jump out of the water in all different places. Absolutely stunning. I teared up a few times throughout the show. Corny, I know. Here are a few pictures below.
After Shamu, we went to see the dolphins and beluga whales show. That was a fun show. It was more about the acrobats than the actual animals. I didn't care for that very much. I was shocked at how high the dolphins could jump. The beluga whale that is pictured below had a baby who followed her everywhere. It was really cute. The baby wouldn't do the tricks, but she was always right behind mama's tale.
The rest of the day was pretty fun. It started to get really hot and we were all very tired, so we went back to my parents house for dinner and then headed home. It was a nice getaway weekend!
Great shots of the big fish!!! Come back anytime. Just call first!!!