Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Signs of Spring

I love this time of year! I love seeing the new growth on all the trees and bushes and watching the grass get greener and greener every day. I've always seen it as a fresh start, but this year it means so much more to me. I love seeing the flowers blooming too. They show that even they can overcome the rough winter they went through.

With that being said, I am looking forward to this Spring and Summer. It's a fresh start for Jesse and I. We both have started new jobs and have a new-found appreciation for each other. We also have a lot of hope towards the future. We are both in school and can't wait to finish to see what lies ahead for each of us. I also love the beginning of Spring because it's around our anniversary. On March 29th we will be celebrating 2 years of marriage. It hasn't been the easiest 2 years, but it's definitely been worth. I love being married to my best friend and my sweetheart. I love you Jesse!!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats, you two! Wishing you many. many, many more years together (well besides the eternities...)
